Tips, Tricks and Steps in Making Soaps- By: Jelie Osorio

Description : Homemade lotions, oils, soaps and other body and bath products are fun to make. They are exceptional gifts as well. In addition, making these products yourself is very rewarding and makes a great gift as well. It is a unique and rewarding experience. The complete process of soap making takes approximately 2 days. This also includes the mixing of the materials, letting them cool down and molding to get the finished product. This is an activity that is done by handling hot and flammable products so it must be done by an adult or if you are a child, you must be under adult supervision. In order to get started, you will need the following:

11.2 oz. lye
3 lbs lard
32 oz. water
1 lb. coconut oil
1.5 oz. fragrance
1 lb. olive oil
1 oz. (optional)coloring dye
enameled or stainless steel pot
accurate weighing scale
plastic container with lid
stick blender
stainless steel or plastic spoon
rubber gloves
thick apron
plastic molds

Below are the steps, tips and trick in making soaps.

1. The first thing you have to do is to gather all the ingredients. Then collect the necessary equipment that you will be needing. Next, you have to first collect the safety gear. Put the rubber gloves, apron and goggles. Always keep in mind that you have to be protected because lye is very dangerous and can cause burns.

2. Put a plastic container on the weighing scale. Then, add water on the container and mix lye in bout 1:3 ratios. If you will be using 11 oz. of lye, you need 33 oz. of water to mix it.

3. Let the lye cool. This will generally take around 2-3 hours. So ideally, you must prepare the lye mixture about a day in advance and you must leave it at exactly room temperature.

4. Then, measure the oil and lard and pour them in an enameled or stainless steel container. heat the container slowly until the lard melts and form a mixture.

5. Stir the mixture gently. Use a thermometer to check if it has reached the ideal temperature which is between 120-130 degrees Fahrenheit.

6. Add the lye mixture slowly and carefully. You have to use a spoon to mix it while pouring the lye. Stir it well using a stick blender. Alternately use the stick blender and the spoon in stirring. In about 5 minutes, the solution will change form. It will be in a thicker and opaque color.

7. Add the fragrance and mix it on the solution. You can add a coloring dye if you want some color on the soap mixture.

8. Pour the solution on a mold and let it cool down. Let it sit at room temperature for a day.

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Author Resource : Do you want to impress your family and friends by giving them a handmade soap as a gift? soap making is fun and easy. You just have to get te right ingredients and to follow instructions carefully in order to make soap.